5 Tips for Tree Clearing

If you're looking to clear a space of trees, you've come to the right place. Clearing a space of trees can be quite daunting, but with the right tips and tricks, it doesn't have to be. Below are some tips to help you get started on your tree-clearing journey.

1. Research Local Laws

Before you begin any tree-clearing project, make sure to research all local laws and regulations that might affect your plans. Depending on the size of the project, there may be rules or permits that need to be obtained in order to ensure that your tree clearing is done safely and responsibly.

2. Use Professional Equipment

While it might strike you as a great idea to try and clear trees using only manual tools such as an axe or chainsaw, this can be dangerous and time-consuming if not done properly. Instead, it's best to use professional equipment designed specifically for tree clearing to work quickly and safely without risking injury or damage to property.

3. Clear Debris Responsibly

When it comes time to clear away any debris from your tree-clearing project, make sure that you dispose of it responsibly by either hauling it away yourself or hiring someone else who specialises in debris removal. This will help keep your environment clean while ensuring that no one is exposed to any potential hazards from improperly disposed of debris.

4. Hire A Professional Arborist

If your project is particularly large or complicated, hiring a professional arborist may be the best way to ensure that your tree-clearing project is handled safely and efficiently. Not only can they offer guidance on how to properly clear the space without harming nearby trees, but they can also help remove and dispose of any debris from the project.

5. Consider Replant New Trees

Once you've cleared away all of the old trees from your space, you may wish to consider replanting new ones at a different location. Planting new trees not only helps restore the balance between nature and man-made structures but can also provide valuable habitats for wildlife, improve air quality in the area and reduce noise pollution.


With these tips in mind, you should now better understand how best to approach tree-clearing projects safely and responsibly so that both humans and nature benefit from your efforts. If you would like to find out more about tree clearing, contact a tree service today. A member of the crew will be happy to help. 
