5 Reasons to Consider Tree Removal

The day may come when you must consider the removal of a tree on your property. There are several reasons why removal may be the best option.

1. Root Movement

Trees may sway a bit in a stiff wind, but there should be no major movement. If the tree sways violently or if the soil around the trunk looks disturbed following a wind storm, then there is likely a root issue. The roots may not go deep enough to anchor the tree, or disease may be causing root death. Either way, the tree poses a hazard as shallow or damaged roots increase the chances of the tree blowing down.

2. Severe Dieback

Dieback is when there is a lot of death in the crown of your tree. Leaves will yellow and drop out of season, foliage becomes sparse, and many of the branches may completely die off so there are no further buds or foliage. If much of the tree has died, or if further symptoms like cracking in the tree bark accompany the crown dieback, the tree is likely at the end of its life. Removal is the best option.

3. Extensive Branch Fall

Falling branches are a major concern, as they can damage anything or anyone that is beneath the tree. Some branch drop is normal, and normal drop can be solved with annual pruning. If branches, particularly large and healthy-appearing ones, keep falling, then it may be necessary to remove the tree simply for the sake of safety.

4. Pests and Disease

Pests and disease are common causes of declining health in a tree. Symptoms of these issues range from damaged foliage and twig dieback to weeping trunks and deformed new growth. If you suspect that pests or diseases are damaging your tree, you must bring out an arborist to perform an inspection. Depending on the culprit, you may be able to treat the tree and help it return to health. Often, though, pest and disease issues necessitate the removal of the tree.

5. Location Issues

Not every tree that must be removed has health problems. Sometimes the concern is with the location of the tree. Trees growing too near roads, homes, and other structures can pose a damage risk. Younger trees can be removed and replanted, but established mature trees likely won't survive replanting so they are simply removed completely.

Contact a tree removal service if you have a tree that you suspect needs removing.
