Why Landscape Tree Suppliers Should Invest In Quality Seeds

People who are into gardening know how it can be fulfilling. Nurturing a plant to grow from a seed to a massive tree can warm your heart. It is possible to turn your love for gardening into cash. If you handle the project right, you will be successful.

The tree supplying business is rewarding. However, to make real money, you will need to handle the project right. One crucial factor to note is you have to invest in high-quality seeds. If you want your business to thrive, you need to get the best trees for your clients. The quality of the trees is affected by the seeds you buy. Find out what to look for when getting seeds to use in planting your nursery.

Genetic composition

The genetic composition of the seeds you want to invest in is paramount. A common error made by those in the tree business is looking for cheap seeds, as they assume the return will be high. However, if you invest in seeds with weak genetic composition, the trees will not do well in the nursery. In contrast, quality seeds will thrive as they grow fast and are tolerant of pests and diseases.

Physical quality

It would be best if you looked at the physical condition of the seeds you are buying. Ideal seeds should have a good seed coat. If you notice some cracks, this means the physical quality is poor. Such seeds will give poor yield, and this will affect the return you get in your business. Getting good seeds will guarantee successful germination and high returns to the tree supplier.

Physiological quality

There is no guarantee that seeds will sprout. Not all the seeds you plant will grow. With this in mind looking into the physiological quality is paramount. This refers to the number of seeds that will grow when planted.  It can be frustrating to invest in seeds only to get a low percentage of budding. The environmental condition present during seed development is what affects the physiological quality. It is essential to ensure physiological conditions are favorable to the seed.


Venturing into a tree supply business is not easy. You will find there are some highs and lows. The key to success is doing your best and avoiding errors. Investing in quality seeds is the base of your business. If you do not manage to get quality, this will affect the whole business. Take the time to investigate the seeds you find in the market. Contact landscape tree suppliers to learn more.
