3 Common Emergencies Which Might Call for Emergency Tree Removal

Trees are a great addition to the landscape because they provide the shade needed on summer days and also add on to the curb appeal and the real estate value of the home. However, with time and age, the trees start aging, and their ability to weather storms reduces significantly. Typically, older trees begin showing signs that they need removal over a period of time. However, there are some damages which are sudden, and when they happen to tall trees surrounding your property, the damaged tree becomes a safety hazard to the occupants of the home. Here are three common emergencies which will need the attention of emergency tree removal services.

Trees damaged during a storm

Summer weather tends to bring a large share of storms. Trees are natural windbreakers, but when the speed is too high, branches break, and sometimes, they may be left hanging precariously over the roof or near paths that people use to access one point of the home or the other. There are storms whose winds blow entire trees over. When this happens, you need to contact an emergency arborist or tree lopper to help cut off the broken branches or remove the whole tree if there is no hope of saving it. A timely response will minimise the length of time that people will be exposed to the danger of loosely hanging branches.

Diseased trees

Trees can contract diseases and start drying up or dying. When this happens, it is essential to have a tree lopper assess the condition to determine whether it is contagious. If the disease is infectious, you may have to treat the removal of the tree as an emergency to protect it from damaging the surrounding trees. If you have noticed signs of disease, such as dark spots on the stems and the leaves, yellowing leaves, and other similar symptoms, call in an arborist to inspect the tree and determine whether it should be removed immediately or not.

Encroaching trees

Everyone wants nature to coexist with their human-made infrastructure. However, there are circumstances which could create the need to remove trees as a last resort. If for instance, a tree is causing subsidence of the soil supporting your home's foundation, removing it will be easier than rebuilding the house. Similarly, if a tree has grown to reach the level of power lines, it may need removal as opposed to endless pruning.

It is the responsibility of an expert to determine whether they should carry out an emergency tree removal or not. As long as you have contacted them and explained the situation, the problem will be resolved.
