3 Important Questions to Ask Any Tree Trimming or Removal Company

Getting the trees on your property trimmed can be very important to their overall health; dead and decaying branches can cut off a tree's supply of sunlight as well as hydration, and a tree that is already dead may actually collapse, creating a risk for your home, garage, fence, or anything under the tree itself. When you are ready to call for tree service on your property, note a few important questions to ask so you know the job will be done right and know what's included in the work.

Ask if they use spikes

Spikes should rarely, if ever, be used by a tree service. While boots with spikes can help workers to climb trees and reach certain branches, they can also create deep wounds in the tree that can mean serious damage. Most tree service companies will have proper ladders, cherry pickers, or some type of heavy-duty lift that fits onto your property and lifts a worker into place. Not only is this safer for your tree, but it can also be safer for the trimmer! If a service says that they use spikes, ask why this is necessary and then make your choice of companies carefully.

Ask if they will inspect your tree before making an appointment for service

The reason this is important is because you want to know if a tree that you think needs pruning is actually dead and should be removed and vice versa; you may assume a tree is dead and needs digging up, but the right trimming might allow it to regenerate. A good tree service will know how to properly inspect a tree to note its overall health and what is needed to ensure it remains in good health or determine that it's beyond regeneration.

Ask if they remove all wood from your property

You might assume that a tree service would remove the branches they trim or the tree they dig up, but this isn't always the case. Some homeowners may want that wood for their fireplace or for creating woodchips for mulch and other such uses. If you would want the trimmed branches or dead tree removed after their service, ask the company if they do this. If you want to keep the wood, note if they will chip it for you so you can easily use it as mulch, or if they will cut it into manageable pieces so you don't need to do this yourself.
