5 Signs of a Sick Tree

As time passes, a tree can begin to weaken and become structurally unsound due to disease, pests and age. A damaged tree can pose a serious risk to people and property underneath it, so it is important you are able to recognise the signs that a tree needs to be removed. Below are some things you should look out for when inspecting a tree.

A Leaning Tree

Although it is normal for trees to lean a little, if the angle of the lean suddenly increases, this is a sign that the tree is compromised and may soon fall. If you notice any new leaning, you should have the tree inspected by a professional.

Decaying or Damaged Roots

The roots provide you with a vital indication of the health of the tree. If you see that the roots are decaying or damaged, you should take action immediately to have the tree removed. Damaged or decaying roots mean that the support structure holding the tree in place is under severe threat. This means that tree may fall at any time without warning.

Damage to the Trunk

Cavities, cracks or missing bark on the tree trunk indicate that the tree may be structurally damaged. While trees can withstand a certain amount of damage and survive, if a cavity or crack is too large, it may present an hazard. You should keep an eye on the size of any damage to see if it increases in size. If it does so, you should contact a tree specialist who will be able to assess the damage to the trunk.

Dead Branches

If you notice any dead branches in the canopy of the tree, they should be removed so they do not present a hazard to anyone below. Dead branches are also a sign of bigger health problems for the tree, so it is worthwhile inspecting the overall health of the tree.

Hollow Trunk

If the trunk sounds hollow when you tap on it, then it is highly likely you will need to get the tree removed. While a tree can survive with a hollowed trunk, it will be considerably weaker and prone to falling.

If you notice any of the above or have any concerns about the health of a tree, you should contact a professional tree service who will be able to carry out an assessment and the removal of the tree if required.
