When To Hire A Tree Service Specialist

There are numerous advantages associated with having an abundance of trees around or near the house, including improved air quality and greater aesthetic value. However, it's not an all-rosy affair, because an abundance of trees can have various disadvantages.

It is important for homeowners to know when to call in the tree service specialists for lopping and pruning trees. Here are a few situations that create the need for professional tree service.

When Tree Branches And Roots Get In The Path Of Utility Lines

Tree branches often experience periods of exponential growth. This is especially common with branches at the crown of the tree. Exponential growth of tree branches is not always a good thing, as these branches can grow dangerously close to power lines.

Similarly, the roots of a tree continue to grow and expand away from the tree in search of water and soil nutrients required for growth. The search for water often makes tree roots grow toward underground drainage pipes and water utility lines.

Should any of the above happen, there should be no hesitation in looking for tree service experts who will help correct the situation. The good news is that a large number of utility companies offer to foot the bill for services rendered in such circumstances. The homeowner simply needs to inform the company of the problem.

When Trees Attract Unwanted Animal Species

Trees are as important to animals as they are to human beings. Certain tree species provide food and shelter for a large number of animal species, some of which are harmful to the well-being of the homeowner and the family.

When trees begin to attract harmful reptiles such as garden snakes and white spiders, the best bet for the homeowner would be to have these trees lopped. This is especially important if the tree branches grow in close proximity to residential windows.

When Trees Show Stunted Growth

Within their lifetime, a large number of tree species undergo periods of stunted growth. This period is characterized by a significant reduction in the number of new branches sprouting from the crown of the tree. Stunted growth can have adverse effects on the general health of the tree as well as its development. Having affected trees pruned or lopped by a tree service expert is essential to facilitate their continued healthy growth and development.

Don't think twice about looking for an expert if any of the discussed scenarios play out around the house.
